Music Speaker Box
I made this music speaker box as a gag for a friend; when the red button is pressed it plays one of two songs. The audio files are stored on an SD card[1] and the choice of song is set by a toggle switch at the back of the box with the volume controlled by a potentiometer. I only stored two songs on the SD card, but the project could be modified to store entire albums and playlists. If you want more detailed explanation of the LM386 amplifier chip, I found this tutorial to be useful. Below is a diagram of the circuit[2].
[1] Audio files should be stored as .wav files with the following settings: 8 Bit resolution, 16kHz sampling rate, mono output, and PCM unsigned 8-bit format. To easily convert the audio files I used this website.
[2] I feel it is pertinent to address the presence (and inelegance) of a relay just before the speaker in the circuit diagram. When testing the speaker I noticed a low level of static/background noise that was constant even with no audio playing. I tried a couple components to filter this out but with limited supplies and no oscilloscope I was unsuccessful. Given that this wasn't a serious project and just the result of a joke with a friend, I relied on the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid): if there is noise when I don't want there to be noise, cut the circuit (using a relay).